
  • Stadt
  • Warszawa
  • Stadtviertel
  • Wawer
  • Strasse
  • Dąbrowa
  • Fläche
  • 145 m2
  • Preis
  • 1 250 000 zł
  • Preis / m2
  • 8 630 zł
  • Grundstücksfläche
  • 257 m2
  • Zimmeranzahl
  • 4


(Polish) Bliźniak w stanie deweloperskim na zamkniętym osiedlu, bardzo blisko terenów zielonych.


Agata Galińska
+48 667 025 152
[email protected]

Property Map Location

Please note that maps on our website do not provide the exact location of the property and they are provided solely as an indication of area.


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